Welcome to EUDAMED

EUDAMED is the database, created by the European Commission, which aims to collect information related to medical devices marketed in Europe, according to the requirements of MDR 2017/745 and IVDR 2017/746, to improve transparency in information on these devices.

EUDAMED is structured around six interconnected modules, three of which are currently operational:

  • Actor – user registration and management
  • UDI database and registration of devices
  • Certificates and Notified Bodies
  • Clinical Investigation and performance studies
  • Vigilance and post-market surveillance
  • Market surveillance

The first Module “Actor Registration Module” (Actor (europa.eu)) has been operational since December 2020.

Which economic operators must register with EUDAMED?

  • Manufacturers.
  • Authorized Representatives.
  • System and procedure pack producers.
  • Importers.

Distributors do not need to register with EUDAMED.

For more information, you have this link from the European Commission that details the roles of the different economic agents: eudamed (europa.eu)

In addition, Importers are required to carry out verifications at EUDAMED:

  • Verify that the medical device is registered (Article 13(4) MDR).
  • Verify that the Manufacturer and the Authorised Representative have reported the necessary information to EUDAMED within two weeks of the product being placed on the market (except for made-to-measure products) and inform these agents when the information is incorrect or insufficient (Article 30(3) MDR/ Article 27(3) IVDR).
  • Verify that their own registration information is complete, accurate and up to date with the periodicity indicated in Article 31(5) of the MDR/ Article 28(5) of the IVDR.

At Supplaffairs we can help you comply with EUDAMED registration obligations.