Be careful with licorice!

Licorice, or Glycyrrhiza glabra, is a perennial plant native to southern Europe and parts of Asia. It can grow wild and it is the roots that contain active compounds such as glycyrrhizin.

It is well known that among its benefits we can highlight digestive, respiratory, anti-inflammatory or antiviral properties, but be careful, not all that glitters is gold.

Prolonged use of licorice extract or taking high amounts can have adverse effects such as hypertension, increased fluid retention, electrolyte imbalances or even hormonal imbalances.

Does this mean licorice extract is bad?

Not at all! But you need the right knowledge to optimize its benefits and avoid its risks.

Having a technical team that studies your formulas not only allows you to improve their quality, but also to design a good commercial strategy, enhancing the strong points of the product and minimizing the weak ones.

At Supplaffairs we have the necessary technical team to carry it out.